Our Services

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Toenail Trimming

If you cut your toenail too short or wear shoes that fit too tightly and crowd the toes together, these can lead to ingrown toenails. Ingrown toenails can be painful. These happen when the toenail grows into the skin surrounding the toe and the area can become infected. If you can't reach your toenails or can't cut them because they are too thick, this can also lead to significant issues. You can avoid these things by keeping your toenails professionally trimmed on a regular basis. Go ahead and make an appointment with us. At Chris's Pedi-care, we will be happy to take care of trimming your toenails for you! 
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Diabetic Nail Care

The majority of people with diabetes don’t properly take care of their feet. The slightest cut of the skin while trimming your toenails can escalate into major medical problems. This is why it is essential that you have a professional regularly trim your nails. This could also avoid ingrown toenails which can lead to infection. Here at Chris's Pedi-care, one of our goals is to see all our diabetic clients get the best nail trimming service available.

If you’re dealing with diabetes, go ahead and make an appointment with us.
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Minor Callus Care

Calluses can happen anywhere on your foot and at any age. Minor calluses can often be improved. At Chris's Pedi-care, we have years of experience treating minor foot calluses.

We use the latest state-of-the-art equipment for treating your callus issues. We are happy to serve clients in Lewistown and surrounding areas.
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Have an annoying callus?
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